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A brain... -_-

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Q: How do you spell the thing in your head that thinks?
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What is the last thing that goes through a bugs head before it hits the windshield?

It thinks "eh?" Crapppp!!!!!!!

What is the thing called that you put your head and arms in when you were in trouble?

If your thinking of the thing where you put your head and arms through for a punishment then its called a gillateen, if thats how u spell it. Hope this helps try to sound out the spelling.

Who did Pittsburgh beat in the world series?

When we think a thing, the thing we think is not the thing we think we think, but only the thing we think we think we think. So if the Pittsburgh thinks, he will actually beat the thing that the opponent thinks he thinks.

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Yes, Lamar Bashbishi is 'Kool'. She is 'kool'because she thinks that when you spell cool its cooler to spell it with a k.

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one thinks with his/her head and feels with one's heart

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there's no such thing as a suffix in spell

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If your man tells you he's infatuated with you is that a bad thing?

No, it's a good thing. It just means that you're all he thinks about, and that he thinks you're the absolute best.

How do you spell ''chews'' in spanish?

(He/she) chews = mastica, masca (he/she) chews (thinks) = rumia, medita

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Ciya(I thinks thats how you spell it but im not exactly sure)