

Best Answer

The word 'grand' functions as a noun and an adjective in a sentence.

  • The noun 'grand' functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.
  • The adjective 'grand' is used to describe a noun.
  • The noun and the adjective both function as a subject complement, a word following a linking verb that restates the subject of the sentence..

Example uses:

  • The baby grand gave the room an elegant aire. (noun, subject of the sentence.
  • I won two grand at the casino! (noun, direct object of the verb 'won')
  • I bought the lovely piano with the two grand that I won. (noun, object of the preposition 'with')
  • A grand staircase rose to the throne. (adjective, describes the noun 'staircase')
  • The hotel had a large, grand lobby. (adjective, describe the noun 'lobby')
  • The piano that she plays is a grand. (noun, subject complement, piano=grand)
  • The view from the cliff was very grand. (adjective, subject complement, view=grand)


A noun functioning as a subject complement is called a predicate nominative.

An adjective functioning as a subject complement is called a predicate adjective.

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