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The con man told a flagrant lie, but the gullible investors swallowed it.

They're now in jail for scamming hundreds of gullible senior citizens out of thousands of dollars.
Here is a sentence with the word 'gullible': Lacee is so gullible with her new boyfriend.

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Your momma gullibility lead to you being hatched.

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Q: How do you use gullible in a sentence?
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How would you use gullible in a sentence?

She's cheating on her boyfriend who's too gullible to notice.

How do you use the word gullible in a sentence?

He was so gullible that he bought the Brooklyn Bridge...twice! The new investors were not gullible, and brought in their own accountants.

What is a sentence for the word gullible?

A sentence for gullible: "You dropped your pocket..." "Really where?" "You're so gullible!" ~13434

How do you use gullable in a sentence?

Here is how you use gullible in a sentence, " The preacher promoted false doctrine as he knew the congregation was gullible." This word means the state of being persuaded easily to believe something.

How do you put gullible into a sentence?

Tom was so gullible he believed everything anyone told him.

How is gullible used in a sentence?

We're taking that gullible teenager snipe hunting this weekend.

How do you put gullible and die in a sentence?

A person could easily die if they are too gullible.

Sentence for Gullible?

There is no such word as gullible. If you believe that you are gullible. A person that will believe anything you tell them is gullible. If you say gullible very slowly, it sounds like oranges.

How do you put gullible in a sentence?

If you believe I shall fall for that one, you must think I am really gullible.

Give you examples of a sentence gullible?

However, people have to be very gullible to fall for fake mediumship.

How could you use gullible in a sentence?

He's so gullible, I'll bet if you told him the sky was falling, he'd believe you. It means easy to deceive, kind of like naive. miguel cruz is so gullible when he kissed destiny valsquez

What is a sentence using guillable?

She's a sweet but gullible, elderly woman who lost most of her life savings to a con artist. Only an inexperienced, gullible person would fall for that scam.