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Because I like to be prepared for any possible situation, I am a meticulous packer who begins making a list of everything I might need on my trip two weeks in advance.

Everybody loves a juicy story about somebody else's sex life, but nobody wants to hear it in the graphic, meticulousdetail that she goes into.

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Q: How do you use meticulous in a sentence?
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Use in sentences the word meticulous?

Jerry is so meticulous about cleaning his room.

How do you use the word meticulous in a sentence?

The literal meaning of this word is extremely careful and precise. Sentence: Those who are meticulous in their work yield great results. Those students who are meticulous in their studies make the best of their education.

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Sentence with meticulous?

Sophie was incredibly meticulous about the upkeep of her work area. Her co-workers considered her cleanliness to be unnecessary and more work than it was worth.

How can you make sentence with the word meticulous?

He had always been so meticulous about his appearance. He was meticulous about his grooming. Judy was so meticulous about scrubbing the floors, friends joked that her kitchen was cleaner than a hospital. By being meticulous in the scientific methods used, the lab technician prevented cross-contamination between biological samples. George was meticulous in decorating the cake so the lettering was perfect.

Can you write a sentence using the word meticulous?

The math teacher was very meticulous when grading the tests, marking down the students for each small mistake. The straight-A student was meticulous while doing her homework and double-checked each answer.

Meticulous in a sentence?

She was very meticulous with her new phone, making sure nothing went broke or got scratched.

What is a good sentence using meticulous?

The student was too busy conducting a meticulous and time-wasting review of social network sites every two minutes to construct a simple sentence using meticulous as an adjective. After hearing that an important government official was coming over to eat dinner at her house, the woman meticulously cleaned the entire house until it was completely spotless.

What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word meticulous?

more meticulous, most meticulous

What word could you use to describe a person that documents great on notes?


Is meticulous an adverb?

No, it is not. Meticulous is an adjective, and the adverb form is meticulously.

How do you spell meticulous?

That is the correct spelling of "meticulous" (attending to detail).