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As he spoke endlessly , the word sesquipedalian came to mind to describe him.

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Q: How do you use sesquipedalian in a sentence?
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Word for people who use big words?

A "sesquipedalian".

What do you call a person who uses big words in speech or sentence?

Pedantic; is one who use or 'parades' learning, large words, intellectual showiness. Such a person is a pedant.

What word means to use obscure words in a sentence?

The word is "sesquipedalian," which refers to the practice of using long, complex words in speech or writing.

How many syllables are in a sesquipedalian story?

A sesquipedalian story typically has many syllables, as it contains long and complex words. The exact number of syllables would depend on the specific words used in the story.

What is the meaning of sesquipedalian?

Sesquipedalian means using long words or characterized by the use of long words. It often refers to language that is unnecessarily complex or verbose.

What is it called when someone uses big words?

a sesquipedalian

What is a person called who uses large unnecessary words in a sentence?

A person who uses large unnecessary words in a sentence is often referred to as "grandiloquent" or "sesquipedalian." They may be trying to appear more intelligent or sophisticated by using complex language.

What is the Name of a person who uses big words when smaller ones will do?

sesquipedalian : given to or characterized by the use of long words It's an adjective not a noun.

What is a very long word and what does it mean?

Sesquipedalian describes a very, very long word.

What do you call a person that uses big words to make themselves seem smarter than you?

This type of person is commonly referred to as a "sesquipedalian" or someone who uses "sesquipedalianism," which means the excessive use of long words. They may also be described as pretentious or condescending in their communication.

What is the word for using unnecessarily large words to impress?

The word sesquipedalian means to use large words. Another word is verbose. Someone who uses unfamiliar words could be called pretentious.

What is a person called who likes to show off by using big word?

sesquipedalian, sesquipedal (adj.)egotisticeccentricintelligentnarcissistic