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The word 'subtraction' is the noun form of the verb to subtract, a word meaning to take away. The noun 'subtraction' is a word for the process of taking a part away from the whole.

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Q: How many key words in subtraction?
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The words "decreased by" suggest the operation of subtraction.

What are the key words for math when your supposed to add subtract and mulitiply and divide?

Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division collectively kown as computation

Explain how to translate the phrase into an algebraic expression.four times the difference of eight and a number?

Sample Response: Replace key words with variables, numbers, and operations. The words “four times” means multiplication by 4. The words “the difference of” means subtraction inside of parentheses. The subtraction inside the parentheses will be 8 – n because that is the order they appear in the phrase. The expression is 4(8 – n). Check any that you included in your response. Replace key words with variables, numbers, and operations. The words “four times” means multiplication by 4. The words “the difference of” means subtraction inside of parentheses. The subtraction inside the parentheses will be 8 – n because that is the order they appear in the phrase. The expression is 4(8 – n).

What words that describe subtraction?

subtraction minus less than sooner

What are words used to describe subtraction?

There are several words used to indicate subtraction. Minus, deducted, subtracted from, decreased by, less than.

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A verbal phrase in a word problem that is a key word for subtraction?

Less than

Other words for subtraction?

minus, deduct,diminish

What are some other words from multiply in math?

Other words are: division, subtraction, and addition.

Is there any subtraction words that start with t?

Yes, 'take out'.