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Q: How many pages does she have left to read?
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A book has 729 pages and you have read 343 pages how many pages are left to read?

729 - 343 = 386Therefore, there would be 386 pages left.

If you have read 12 of your 180 page book How many pages do you have left to read How do you solve this?

You have 168 pages left to read. You solve this by taking 12 away from 180. (180-12 = 168)

Jasper is reading a 98 page book he has read 29 pages how many pages does Jasper have left to read?

Help bro-

What is the expression for number of pages of a 5 page article left to read if you've read p pages?

The expression for the number of pages left to read is 5 - p, where p is the number of pages you have already read.

What if your book has 148 pages. you have read 76 pages .how many pages do you have to read?

72 more pages.

If you have read 45 percent or a novel and she has read only 99 pages how many more pages does she need to finish?

If one reads 45% of a novel, and that is equal to 99 pages, then 100% of the novel would be equal to 247.5 pages total. Thus, there are 148.5 pages left.

How many pages have you read if ypu read half of 80 pages?

It would be 40 pages.

How many pages do you have to read a day if i need to read 120 pages in a week?

you would do 120/7 on a calculator since you want to know how many pages you read a day if you read 120 pages in a week. you would get 17.142857142857142. so about 17 pages.

How many pages does A Darwinian Left have?

A Darwinian Left has 70 pages.

Aiden read 84 pages in 2 hours. At that rate how many pages can he read in 5 hours?

He can read 210 pages.

How do you write the number of pages of a 5 page article left to read if you've read p pages?

as a fraction ex. 3/5

There are 20 pages in Jamal's book He read one fifth of the book How many pages did he read?

4 pages.