j'aime harry
I'm in love in french is : je suis amoureux
J'aime j'aime j'aime
mon amour, ma vie is the translation for my Love my life in French.
l'amour je
Potter (Harry) > Harry Pottera person who makes pottery > un potier
Je suis venu sur le train Harry Potter.
j'aime harry
harrie potter avec a deathie hallowe
In "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" and "Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix" Harry has a crush on Cho Chang but I wouldn't say he loved her. They broke up anyway :) In "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" Harry really likes Ginny Weasley and gets really jealous when she's dating Dean Thomas. By the end of the book/ film they start dating and he eventually marries her. So it's definitely safe to assume he's in love with Ginny Weasley. Hope this helps :)
I think it's pretty fair to say that Harry Potter is more famous
Well, if he wore a name tag, it would say "Harry Potter."
i say 3 is much better
I'd say Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban. :)
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
I am not aware of Harry Potter repeating a certain word or phrase regularly.