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If referring to children:
It means that they know, want to know, or are too interested in experimenting with sex, but are much too young to have that sort of information and experience or be that curious about it.

For example; a six year old girl who asks her 16 year old male babysitter to see his penis, or asks him to have sex with her, or flashes him on a whim, could be considered to be sexually precocious.

Curiosity is one thing, but Sexual Precociousness is not really a normal, healthy behavior for pre-pubescent children either. They lack the hormones of puberty that stimulate an interest in sexual activity, so their interest in sex mayindicate a history of sexual abuse. In any event, the cause of the precociousness should probably be determined.
If referring to adults or near-adult persons:
It would mean that they are naive, innocent, or inexperienced in the act and practice of sex, but are very openly curious about it, and are not only willing to experiment with it, but are very forward in asking or expecting it.
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Q: If someone is sexually precocious what does that mean?
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