I don know some stupid thing
Use 'a' before a consonant such as a RN Use 'an' before a vowel such as EOE
You probably mean MRS GREAT RN. It stands for the 10 life functions: M-etabolism R-egulation S-ynthesis G-rowth R-eproduction E-xcretion A-ssimilation T-ransport R-espiration N-utrition
If rn is part of the proper name then capitalize. If saying that someone is an rn then no.Not Quite..."RN" should always be caps, whether it's used as a suffix attached to a nurse's name or as a noun in a declaratory sentence -- "Jerry is an RN." However, if you expand it to say, "Jerry is a registered nurse," the caps are not necessary.
RN stands for Registered Nurse
RN - Registered NurseLPN - Licensed Practical Nurse
Registered Nurse
RN in military spec terms mean World War 2
Yes, Rn is radon a radioactive nonmetal. But the symbol Rn does not stand for "radioactive nonmetal." Rn Radon has no stable isotopes, so yes it is always a radioactive nonmetal.
RN stands for Radon in the periodic table. It is a radioactive noble gas element with the atomic number 86.
what does FABC stand for after a nurses name
The river Sheaf
I don know some stupid thing
RN stands for registered nurse.a graduate nurse who has passed a state board examination and been registered and licensed to practice nursing. Abbreviation: R.N
Joe Don Rooney