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Q: In slang which bird is used to mean scared?
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What does 'weelo' mean?

This word is used on slang.

What does piss mean in UK?

It is slang for beer and intoxication. Not exactly. It is used as slang for urine or to urinate, Pissed is used as slang for intoxication and pissed off as slang for very annoyed or displeased about something.

What does rigging mean in drug slang?

Most commonly used as slang for a syringe. It is also used for the term rigging as in sabotage.

What does a rig mean in drug slang?

Most commonly used as slang for a syringe. It is also used for the term rigging as in sabotage.

What does 'cuz' mean?

Cuz is a slang term for cousin. The word is also used as a slang for because.

What does unit mean in slang?

Used as slang, "unit" might be used to refer to someone's penis. Used similarly: "tool", "member", "thing".

What does so mean in slang?

"So" retains the same meaning whether it is used in slang or correct English.

What does SOS mean in internet slang?

SOS or soz as it is more commonly used is the internet slang for sorry

What does W2 mean in slang?

It depends on the context used, but i could mean Where To? as in where are you going?

What does the cowboy slang 'wamble-cropped' mean?

Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! The crop is where a bird digests its food. Cowboys used this term to refer to their stomachs when they were upset or nauseated. Figuratively, it can also mean sick with shame, humiliated.

What does yellow bellied mean?

Slang for coward-used in Westerns.

What does melt in rhyming slang mean?

In rhyming slang, "melt" is used to mean "idiot" or "fool." This slang is often used in British English and derives from a phrase that rhymes with the word it represents, like "melted cheese" rhyming with "idiot" in this case.