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Q: In the novel Johnny Tremain did Johnny truly forgive Dove?
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How can you Reconcile Christian belief with evil and suffering in the world Can you ever truly forgive?

Yes you can truly forgive! Even with all the violence in the world. God said you must forgive everyone even if you have to forgive them more than once.

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Ignóscere means Forgive in Latin.

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if you are truly repentant :)

Can a guy forgive her over cheating?

Yes, he can forgive if he truly loves her. You might be able to start a whole new relationship.

How do you get him to forgive you and want you back?

To get him to forgive you and get him back, be genuine and tell him how you feel. Apologize as much as you can and make an effort to show that you are truly sorry.

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You go to confession to confess to God your sins, you pray for forgiveness and god listens he will forgive you. If you are truthful and truly sorry for what you did then god will forgive you.

How do you get your friend to forgive you over the phone?

If you really want your friend to forgive you then do it face to face or do something nice to show that you are truly sorry and not just sorry when and where it is convenient for you.

What you ask for with forgiveness?

It depends on what the situation is and who you are. But generally, you want yourself to truly forgive someone for their actions. If they are asking you to forgive them, then if you do, you are right to expect them not to do it again. Forgiveness is moving forward. Not Forgetting. Live and learn, and then if need be forgive.

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It depends on what you did... But if the relationship is truly meant to be he will forgive you for whatever you did

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The author wrote a very descriptive and interesting novel. Or: It was so innovative and unique, it was truly a novel idea.

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Johnny and Ponyboy are very similar. Ponyboy feels as if Johnny {and Soda} are the only people he can truly talk to.

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show him that you are truly sorry and promise never to make the same mistake again