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Q: Into which category of literature does this parable fit Hint the two brothers are not based on real people?
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This story is a parable Into which category of literature does this fit Hint the two brothers are not based on real people?

This story is a parable, which is a type of allegorical story or lesson that serves to illustrate a moral or spiritual principle. Parables are often used in religious teachings or folklore to convey important messages in a fictional narrative form. In this case, the two brothers are likely symbolic figures meant to represent different attitudes or qualities.

What was a parable of Jesus?

One parable that Jesus told was about the Good Samaritan. The story was to get people thinking about their neighbors.

Is this page also available for Spanish speaking people?

There is a Spanish section of the site for Q&A written in Spanish. It is located in the category called: Non-English Languages and Cultures Questions. You can find it in the Literature and Language category.

Examples of a parable?

The parable of the Good Samaritan teaches about showing kindness and compassion to others, regardless of their background or differences. The parable of the Prodigal Son illustrates the concept of forgiveness and redemption. The parable of the Sower highlights the importance of how different people receive and respond to the message of God.

Are Jonas Brothers really brothers?

Dear person who asked this question, The Jonas Brothers are really cute guys, but not all people feel that way... Their are different opinions, but almost everyone's a JONAS fan! (- : I'm included in the almost everyone category as well. ! I hope I helped you out!

Why might a parable be a good way to teach a lesson?

parables where ways to explain something in a relatable way. they taught a lesson but in a way that people of there time could grasp the concept. like the parable of the sower. He put the lesson in farming lesson cause people back then understood it. Read matthew 13. Jesus tells you the parable ,the purpose of parables and then explains the parable he just told.

What is an example of a parable from The Pearl by Steinbeck you know the whole story is a parable but you need one example of a parable from the story?

One example of a parable from "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck is the story of the scorpion and the ants. In this parable, the scorpion represents evil, while the ants represent the oppressed people. The scorpion's actions reflect the idea that evil can cause harm and destruction, while the ants' efforts to rebuild show resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity.

What is the moral lesson in the parable of the seed sower?

The moral lesson in the parable of the seed sower teaches that how one receives and responds to the teachings of God is crucial. The parable underscores the importance of having a receptive heart and mind to understand and apply spiritual truths, as well as the significance of nurturing one's faith to ensure it grows and thrives. Ultimately, it highlights the idea that spiritual growth requires diligence, perseverance, and a willingness to cultivate a strong foundation in faith.

What is the most categories a person categorizes?

so the question about categories is about a category or people who control categories. but this categroy is for categories, not category people who control those categories. So this category is the wrong category. Try a different category to answer a question of this category.

What is indigenous literature?

the literature of native people are called indegenous literature

What parable did Jesus tell to explain the meaning of the word neighbor?

Jesus told the Parable of the Good Samaritan to explain the meaning of neighbor. In this parable, a man is helped by a Samaritan, who goes out of his way to assist someone in need regardless of their background or beliefs, showing that a neighbor is anyone who shows compassion and kindness to others.

What are your thoughts about the parable of the prodigal son?

I think this parable is often misinterpreted. People often say this parable is about sinners repenting. But if you look at the context of the parable you will see this parable is one of three Jesus told in reply to the Pharisees and scribes complaining saying ................ "This Man receives sinners and eats with them." Luke 15:2. The parables are given as a rebuke to the self righteous leaders of Israel. The father in the parable represents God. The youngest son represents Israel and the oldest son represents the Pharisees and the scribes.