

Best Answer

Yes, the word 'cat' is a common noun, a word for any cat of any kind.

A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, thing, or title; for example:

  • Cat Deeley, English actress and TV host.
  • Cat Spring, TX or Cat Island, The Bahamas
  • Cat's Eye Pub, Baltimore, MD or Cat's Meow Hair Studio, Houston, TX
  • "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Seuss
  • "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof", a play by Tennessee Williams
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Q: Is a cat a common noun?
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Is cat a common noun?

Yes, cat is a common noun.

Is cat a noun?

Cat is a common noun

What kind of noun is cat?

The noun 'cat' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for an animal, a word for a thing.

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Yes, the word "lion" is a common noun.

What type of nouns is the word cat?

The noun 'cat' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a type of animal; a word for a thing.

Is dog cat and bird a common or and proper noun?

Common because they are not names.

What is unicorn is proper noun or common noun?

Unicorn is a common noun.

What is the feminine of cat?

The English language doesn't use masculine or feminine words. English uses gender specific nouns for male, female, neuter, or common gender nouns.The gender specific noun for a male cat is "tom" or "tomcat".The gender specific noun for a female is "cat" or "queen".The noun "cat" is also a common gender noun for a male or a female feline.

Is puppy a proper noun or common noun?

Like dog, cat or fish, it is a common noun, since it does not refer to one specific animal, but to that group of animals in general.

Is 'cat show' a proper noun?

The compound noun 'cat show' (lower case) is a common noun, a general word for any cat show anywhere.A proper noun is the name of a specific cat show. A proper noun is always capitalized. Examples of proper nouns:The Supreme Cat Show (Governing Council of the Cat Fancy UK)CFA World Championship Cat Show (Cat Fanciers' Association US)

Is jaguar a common noun or proper noun?

The noun 'jaguar' (lower case j) is a common noun, a general word for a type of cat. The noun 'Jaguar' (capital J) is a proper noun, the name of a specific brand of automobile.

Cat is a verb or not?

Cat is a noun