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Full stops are usually placed inside quotation marks. For example, "She said it was orange."

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Q: Is a full stop before or after quotation mark?
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What are some of the punctuation that goes at the end of a sentence?

.?!" full stop,question mark,exclamation mark,quotation marks.

What are 3 examples of punctuation marks?

.?! --------------------- the coma , the full stop . the query ? the colon : the semicolon ; the apostrophe ' the quotation mark " the exclamation mark !

Do you put a full stop before or after quotation marks?

In American English, the full stop typically goes inside the quotation marks. In British English, it can go either inside or outside depending on the style guide being followed.

What are the names of the 14 punctuation mark?

. full stop (International) | period (American), comma? question mark,! exclamation mark: colon; semicolon- hyphen- dash( and ) parenthesis[ and ] brackets… ellipsis' apostrophe," and " quotation marks/ virgule or slash{ and } braces or curly brackets

What are the names of the 14 punctuation mark.?

. full stop (International) | period (American), comma? question mark,! exclamation mark: colon; semicolon- hyphen- dash( and ) parenthesis[ and ] brackets… ellipsis' apostrophe," and " quotation marks/ virgule or slash{ and } braces or curly brackets

There ar 14 punctuation marks in English grammar can you name at least half of them?

Comma, period, question mark, exclamation point, colon, semicolon.

Do you use a full stop after a question mark?

No, you do not. A question mark or exclamation point replaces a full stop. ********************************* The answer above is correct. An exclamation or question mark replaces the full stop and signals the end of the sentence! ********************************* I respectfully point out that is does matter...the question mark and the exclamation mark come first, followed by the full stop. For example, the following words with punctuation are presented in this way..."What child is this?". Without the full stop you would be not aware that the sentence was concluded.

What is a sentence for full stop?

You ALWAYS use a fullstop, unless you are ending the sentence with another punctuation mark. If the sentence is a question, then you'd end the sentence with a question mark. You would not add a full stop after the question mark. eg. How many minutes are there in an hour? If you use an exclamation mark, then you do not add a full stop. eg. Watch out!

What are the names of the 14 punctuation marks.?

. full stop (International) | period (American), comma? question mark,! exclamation mark: colon; semicolon- hyphen- dash( and ) parenthesis[ and ] brackets… ellipsis' apostrophe," and " quotation marks/ virgule or slash{ and } braces or curly brackets

Do you put a full stop at the end of a caption?

depends. If I put the Quote "you do not have a pig" and the I want to keep going i would put,"You do not have a pig." but If you don't want to keep going yo would put the period after the quotation mark.

Do you need a full stop after a question mark?

No, you only need a question mark.

What does a full stop means after a name?

A full stop is something you put at the end of a sentence to mark that it is the end. They are useful for when you're reading text as it shows you where to pause before reading the next sentence. A full stop is marked by a single dot. They are also known as periods.