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Yes, any object will most likely break or give at the weakest point.

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Q: Is an object really only as strong as its weakest point?
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Is the strongest point in a chain the weakest?

You might be thinking of the expression, "A chain is as strong as its weakest link." This means that when the ends of a chain are pulled in opposite directions, there is stress on each link; when the weakest link breaks, the chain breaks.

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The weakest point in the chain is the strongest

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nothing NEW... This could be true but it depends on how strong the people are pulling and how strong the rope is. If two people are pulling it equally hard enough then it will probably snap at its weakest point.

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A cord is stronger than the sum of the strength of the individual fibres. This is because whereas an individual fibre could have its weakest point anywhere along its length, when it is wound with other threads, this weakness will be covered up by friction from adjacent fibres. These are unlikely to have their weakest points coinciding. This contrasts with "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link". The Romans knew that a bound bundle of sticks was stronger than an individual one. This they called fasces.

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As a woman I have the answer is when we need to an this ty of questions

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What is the weakest point in women body?

stomach, face or chest area.

What are a girls weak spots?

I think its the HEART is the weakest point of a girl.

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the weakest part of the tornado is the top because all of th debree is getting gathered up at the bottom which is very dangerous.

Which country represented the weakest point in Phillip II's empire?

The Netherlands, because of the dutch revolts.