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No, the word conquer is a verb (conquer, conquers, conquering, conquered). The noun form of the verb to conquer is conqueror, one who conquers. Another abstract noun is a conquest.

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Q: Is conquer a noun
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Related questions

Which is the abstract noun of conquer?

The abstract noun forms of the verb to conquer are conquest and the gerund, conquering.

What is the noun form of conquer?

The noun forms of the verb to conquer conqueror, conquest, and the gerund, conquering.

What is the syonym of defeat?

If used as a noun: downfall, conquest If used as a verb: conquer, annihilate

What does 'Ego sum Vinco mea fortuna Ego sum caput mei animi' mean?

The English meaning of 'Ego sum. Vinco mea fortuna. Ego sum caput mei animi' is I am. I conquer my fortune. I am the head of my soul. In the word-by-word translation, the personal pronoun 'ego' means 'I'. The verb 'sum' means '[I] am'. The verb 'vinco' means ''[I] am conquering, conquer, do conquer'. The possessive adjective 'mea' means 'my'. The noun 'fortuna' means 'fortune'. The noun 'caput' means 'head'. The possessive adjective 'mei' means 'of my'. The noun ''animi' means 'of the soul'.

Conquer points for conquer online?

Yes, conquer points for conquer online.

How do you spell conquadors?

conquer. you just had they e and u mixed up.

How do you spell conqer?

The verb meaning to vanquish or defeat is spelled conquer. (e.g I had to conquer my fear of heights.)The homophone is the noun conker, another name for the nut of the horse chestnut tree.The plural conkers is a game played with horse chestnuts tied to strings.

Is attack a verb or noun?

The word attack is both a verb, a noun, and an adjective. Example uses:Verb: The lion will attack the zebra that strays from the herd.Noun: The attack took place at dawn.Adjective: We have an attack plan to conquer this project quickly.

What is a sentence for conquer?

This task is mine to conquer! I will conquer taller mountains than this!

What is another word for conquest?

The adjectives for the noun conquest are based on the verb "to conquer." They are the participles conquering/conquered and the derivative adjective conquerable.

What is an example for conquer?

conquer example

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what is the synonymsof conquer