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It can be, as in "I need to cool down" or "The hot oven will eventually cool."

Cool is often an adjective.

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Q: Is cool a verb
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Is cool a verb or noun?

The word 'cool' is a verb, a noun, and an adjective.Examples:Her mother applied salve to cool her sunburn. (verb)The cool of the morning is the best time for baking. (noun)A cool drink on the patio sounds good. (adjective)

Is cool an action verb?

yes yes it is

What is a vivid verb for cool?

adjective: awesome

What is the verb in In the early Spring the air feels cool and fresh?

Feels is the verb here.

What is the adjective of cool?

The word 'cool' is a noun, a verb, and an adjective.The adjective forms of the verb to 'cool' are cooled and cooling.EXAMPLESWe were enjoying the cool of the evening on the patio. (noun)Allow the engine to cool before adding the oil. (verb)The dog found a cool spot under the porch. (adjective)The cooled melon was a nice finish to the meal. (adjective)The aroma of cooling pies filled the house. (adjective)

What is the past tense word for shoe?

The past tense word for shoe is shod, you can even look it up in a dictionary. shoe is not a verb so it cant be in past tense but can have a past tense verb ex: i am wearing the shoe= i wore the shoe i have a cool shoe= i had a cool shoe [i have a cool pair of shoes= i had a cool pair of shoes] Shoe is a verb, as in shoe a horse, past tense shod

What is the past tense of cooler?

Cooler isn't a verb and doesn't have a past tense. Cool is a verb, and the past tense is cooled.

Is chilled a verb?

Chilled can either be an adjective or the past tense of the verb "to chill". ex/ the ice cream was warm so i chilled it

Is the word thirst a verb?

Yes, the word 'thirst' is both a verb and a noun.Examples:I've walked a long way and I thirst for some cool water. (verb)He has a real thirst for knowledge. (noun)

What does cool mean in french?

Cool Cool noun culot verb refroidir rafraîchir faire refroidir faire calmer adjective frais froid calme rafraîchissant excellent apprécié

What is the german word for cool?

The German verb to cool is kühlen, the correponding noun is kühl - a cool breeze = eine kühle BrieseThe Germans have also adopted the English word cool in the sense of good, e.g. he's a cool guy = er ist ein cooler Typor that's cool! = das ist cool!

What part of speech is the word cool?

Cool can be an adjective, verb, noun, or interjection.Adjective: Her forehead was cool, so I knew she did not have a fever.Verb: Take the cake out of the oven and cool it on a rack for thirty minutes.Noun: No matter what questions they ask you, do not lose your cool.Interjection: You're finished already? Cool!