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No, the word 'decided' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to decide. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.


The committee has decided on the funding for the playground. (verb)

Now we move from the decided issue to the supplier bids. (adjective)

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.

Example: The playground really needs to be safe, it needs an update. (the pronoun 'it' takes the place of the noun 'playground' in the second part of the sentence)

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Q: Is decided a pronoun
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What is the pronoun although Wendy was nervous she decided to go skydiving anyway?

Pronouns are substitutes for nouns that were already used. Since Wendy is the noun, then the pronoun would be the other word referring to her. So in this case, the pronoun is "she."

When Carlos and you went to the park decided to join your friends in a game of disc golf Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence?

Carlos and you went to the park when you decided to join your friends in a game of disc golf. (the pronoun 'you' can be singular or plural)OR:Carlos and I went to the park and wedecided to join our friends in a game of disc golf.

Is elephant a pronoun?

No, the word 'elephant' is a noun, a word for a type of mammal, a word for a thing.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The pronoun that takes the place of the noun 'elephant' is it.Example: An elephant stood in the road. We waited patiently until it decided to move on.

What role does the bolded pronoun serve in the following sentence Because Doreen liked my book I decided to give it to her?

The pronouns in the sentence are:my = possessive adjective, describes the direct object 'book'I = personal pronoun, subject of the second part of the compound sentenceit = personal pronoun, direct object of the verb 'give'her = personal pronoun, object of the preposition 'to'

Select the antecedent of the pronoun in the following sentence the class decided to submit their project to the science contest because they felt it was worthy of winning?

The antecedent for the pronouns 'their' and 'they' is class.

Related questions

What is the pronoun although Wendy was nervous she decided to go skydiving anyway?

Pronouns are substitutes for nouns that were already used. Since Wendy is the noun, then the pronoun would be the other word referring to her. So in this case, the pronoun is "she."

When Carlos and you went to the park decided to join your friends in a game of disc golf Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence?

Carlos and you went to the park when you decided to join your friends in a game of disc golf. (the pronoun 'you' can be singular or plural)OR:Carlos and I went to the park and wedecided to join our friends in a game of disc golf.

Is elephant a pronoun?

No, the word 'elephant' is a noun, a word for a type of mammal, a word for a thing.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The pronoun that takes the place of the noun 'elephant' is it.Example: An elephant stood in the road. We waited patiently until it decided to move on.

Is other a noun or verb?

Neither. It might be a pronoun or an adjective, depending on the context. Pronoun: Some people like wine, others do not. Adjective: I decided not to wear the red one but one of my other shirts instead.

Can the word which be a pronoun?

Yes, the word 'which' is a pronoun and an adjective.The word 'which' is an interrogativepronoun as a word that introduces a a question.example: Which do you like best?The word 'which' is a relative pronoun as a word that introduces a relative clause.example: I don't know which I like best.The word 'which' is an adjective when placed before a noun to describe that noun.example: He finally decided which one he would buy.

What role does the bolded pronoun serve in the following sentence Because Doreen liked my book I decided to give it to her?

The pronouns in the sentence are:my = possessive adjective, describes the direct object 'book'I = personal pronoun, subject of the second part of the compound sentenceit = personal pronoun, direct object of the verb 'give'her = personal pronoun, object of the preposition 'to'

Select the antecedent of the pronoun in the following sentence the class decided to submit their project to the science contest because they felt it was worthy of winning?

The antecedent for the pronouns 'their' and 'they' is class.

Is her a subject pronoun or an object pronoun?

The pronoun her is an object pronoun; for example:We see her everyday.

What is the best description of a pronoun's antecedent?

A pronoun's antecedent is the noun or pronoun that a pronoun replaces.

Is them a possessive pronoun or personal pronoun?

"Them" is a personal pronoun and is typically used as an object pronoun, referring to people or things being spoken about. It is not a possessive pronoun like "theirs" or "theirs."

Is their a subject pronoun or an object pronoun?

subject pronoun

What are the eight types of pronouns?

These are the eight types of pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we you, and they