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Yes, devotion is a noun, a common, abstract, uncountable noun; a word for love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for someone or something; a religious worship or observance; a word for a thing.

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Q: Is devotion a noun
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What is noun form of devote?

Noun forms for the verb to devote are devotee, devotement, and devotion.

What does devoted means?

It means you really adore something. I adore your new soccer ball!

What is 'devotion' in Latin?

Devotio or studium is the Latin equivalent of 'devotion'. The noun 'devotio' is used when the meaning is 'act of dedication'. The noun 'studium' is used when the meaing is 'zeal'.

What part of speech is devotion?

The word devoted is an adjective and a verb. The adjective form means to be dedicated. The verb form is the past tense of the verb "devote".

What is the abstract noun for devoted?

The word 'devoted' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to devote. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective (a devoted follower).The abstract noun forms of the verb to devote are devotion and the gerund, devoting.

What part of speech is piety?

The word piety is a noun. It is a devotion to God.

Is devotion an adjective?

No, 'devotion' is a noun. Adjectives are words which describe nouns (people, places, things, and ideas) or other adjectives. Devotion does not serve that function, but rather, it stands alone as a symbol for an idea.

Is worship a abstract noun?

Yes, the noun 'worship' is an abstract noun, a word for the outward showing of respect toward a divine being or supernatural power; great admiration or devotion to someone or something; a word for a concept.

What is the noun form of study?

The word 'study' is both a noun and a verb. The noun study is a singular, common noun. The noun study is an abstract noun as a word for devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject; a division or area of learning; the actions or work of a student; a survey or a detailed inspection. The noun study is a concrete noun as a word for a building or room devoted to study, reading, or writing.

What is the noun of study?

The word 'study' is both a noun and a verb. The noun study is a singular, common noun. The noun study is an abstract noun as a word for devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject; a division or area of learning; the actions or work of a student; a survey or a detailed inspection. The noun study is a concrete noun as a word for a building or room devoted to study, reading, or writing.

Is slavery a collective noun?

No, the noun 'slavery' is an uncountable, common, abstract noun; a word for condition in which one person is owned as property by another; involuntary servitude; excessive dependence on or devotion to someone or something; a word for a thing.The noun 'slavery' is not a collective noun. A collective noun is a word used to group people or things in a descriptive way; for example a coffle of slaves.

What does piety mean?

Piety is a state of religious devotion or reverence. It is the noun form of the adjective "pious" (devoutly religious). Piety is the outward expression of faith.