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Yes, it is an abstract noun. It means a show of contempt or aloofness.

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Q: Is disdain a noun
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Related questions

Is disdain an adjective?

No, disdain is actually a noun. The adjective is disdainful.

What part of speech is disdain?

'Disdain' may be either a transitive verb or a noun.

Can you give an examlpe of a sentence using disdain?

I am the object of disdain in literary circles. A noun, it means feeling contempt. A good synonym is scorn. I disdain eating turnips. As a verb it means to avoid because of disdain.

What is a simple sentence with the word distain?

She looked at him with distain, unable to hide her contempt.

Disdain in sentence?

My Grandma was a sweet woman, but she showed great distain for anyone who did not attend Sunday services.

Can you make a sentence with the word commoners?

The royalty had complete disdain for the commoners.The royalty had complete disdain for the commoners.The royalty had complete disdain for the commoners.The royalty had complete disdain for the commoners.The royalty had complete disdain for the commoners.The royalty had complete disdain for the commoners.The royalty had complete disdain for the commoners.The royalty had complete disdain for the commoners.The royalty had complete disdain for the commoners.The royalty had complete disdain for the commoners.The royalty had complete disdain for the commoners.

Is there an example sentence using disdain?

disdain is just a fancy word for contempt. Learn to Control your Disdain.

Is contempt a verb?

Contempt can be a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to a feeling of disrespect or disdain towards something or someone. As a verb, it means to show scorn or disregard for something.

What is the suffix of disdain?

The suffix of "disdain" is "-dis".

What is a sentence disdain?

Here is a sentence that uses the word disdain. To my disdain my son did not take the news I had just shared with him well.

What are some nouns that have to do with hate?

Some synonyms for the noun hate are:abhorrenceanimosityanimusantipathyaversiondetestationenmityill willloathingmalevolencerancorrepugnance

How would you use the word disdain?

verb to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn. to think unworthy of notice, response, etc.; consider beneath oneself: to disdain replying to an insult. noun a feeling of contempt for anything regarded as unworthy; haughty contempt; scorn.