

Best Answer

It's standard usage is an adjective, not a noun. But lots of adjectives can be used as nouns as in "The disproportionate is to be avoided." In the phrase "disproportionate tax level", it's an adjective.

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Q: Is disproportionate a noun
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What part of speech is the word disproportionate?

Disproportionate is an adjective.He has a disproportionate share of the inheritance.

What is the part of speech of disproportionate?

Disproportionate is an adjective.He has a disproportionate share of the inheritance.

What part of speech is disproportionate?

The word "disproportionate" can function as an adjective.

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"Its head was disproportionate to its body."

Use disproportionate in a sentence?

It means out of proportion in size, shape, or amount. Here are some sentences.The punishment is disproportionate to the crime.Her response was disproportionate to my comment.

How do you use the word disproportionate in a sentence?

Sending the SWAT team to arrest a jaywalker would be a disproportionate police response. The disproportionate funding of the charity's programs meant that only one had an adequate staff.

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