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Humble can be used as a verb. It can also be used as an adjective. Examples:

Verb: We will humble the competition with this recipe.

Adjective: The humble daisy is one of my favorite flowers.

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Q: Is humble a verb
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What is the verb form of humble?


What part of speech is humble?

Humble is a verb and an adjective.

Can humble be a verb?

Yes, "humble" can be used as a verb. It means to lower in status or importance, to make modest or meek, or to destroy the pride of someone.

Is humble an abstract noun?

No, humble is not a noun; the word humble is an adjective(humble, humbler, humblest) and a verb (humble, humbles, humbling, humbled).

Is humble an adjective?

It can be (a humble servant). It can also be a verb meaning to lower in status.

What is the verb and noun of the word humble?

The word 'humble' is an adjective and a verb. Example sentence for the verb:The combined knowledge of contributors on this site will humble you.The noun form for the adjective humble is humbleness. Another noun form is humility.

What is humble verb or noun?

The word humble is an adjective and a verb:The adjective humble, describes a noun as 'modest; not proud or showy; of low rank or important'.The verb humble, meaning 'to completely defeat someone who seemed better orstronger than you'.

Is humble a preposition?

No. Humble can be used as a verb: to humble someone. It is also an adjective, e.g a humble psychopath. It is NOT a preposition. You can say "The cat is on the mat". You can't say "The cat is humble the mat".

What is the comparative and superlative form of humble?

from a noun word humble,it will be humility in adjective

What is the noun formed from humble?

The noun form for the adjective humble is humbleness.The noun form for the verb to humble is the gerund, humbling.A related noun form is humility.

What is the suffix for humble?

The abstract noun form for the adjective humble is humbleness.The abstract noun form for the verb to humble is the gerund, humbling.A related abstract noun is humility.

What is another word for humble?

The noun form of the verb to humble is the gerund, humbling.The noun form of the adjective humble is humbleness.A related noun form is humility.