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Yes, looked is the past tense of the verb 'to look', the act of looking.

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12y ago
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12y ago

yes because it is doing an action

i was looking at the sky.

you were what at the sky?


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Q: Is looked an action verb
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Is looked a linking or a action verb?

it is an action verb in past tense form the present tense is look

What is a linking verb sentence for look?

action, to look.... that is someone physically doing something____To look can be either, depending usually on whether the subject is an active doer or not, for example:1. Active doer as subject - action verb - may take an adverbI looked carefully before driving further down that road.2. Inactive subject - linking verb - followed by an adjectiveThe programme looks impressive.In example 2, looks is synonymous with (means the same as) appears, seems.

What is a Part of speech that describes an action?

* A verb is the word which reveals what someone or something 'does'. It informs about what type of action is happening: 'The pianist looked at the music.' * An adverb describes or gives more information about the verb: 'The pianist carefully looked at the music."

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Is looking an adverb?

No, it is not an adverb. The word looks can be a verb or a plural noun.It is the third person singular, present tense of the verb to look (he, she, it looks).It is also the plural of the noun look, and can mean observations or appearances, and is a colloquial term for personal appearance (e.g. He still has his good looks).

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Action verb