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Yes, the word 'metaphor' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is representative or symbolic of something else.

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Q: Is metaphor a noun
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Related questions

What part of speech is the word metaphor?

Metaphor is a noun.

Are metaphors count or noncount nouns?

A metaphor is a word or phrase that is used to make a comparison between two people, things, animals, or places. A metaphor can be a count or a non-count noun. Examples: Their voices were of angels. (the metaphor 'angels' is a count noun) Your voice is music to my ears. (the metaphor 'music' is a non-count noun)

Is Arms of Steel a metaphor?

Yes, a metaphor is when you say that an object (noun) is something else. Therefore, arms of steel is a metaphor because a person's arms are not actually made of steel.

What kind of sentence can you make with metaphor?

the pictures for the kinds of noun and make sentences

Is velvet a simile or a metaphor?

Velvet is a noun that represents a type of fabric, so it is neither a simile nor a metaphor. Similes and metaphors are figures of speech that compare two different things using "like" or "as" (simile) or by stating that one thing is another (metaphor).

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Is this a simile or metaphor the library is as quiet as the bottom of the ocean?

This is a simile because it uses the word "as" to describe the library. A metaphor does not use the words "like" or "as" to describe a noun.

What is the metaphor of is an ox?

The question is illogical.A metaphor is a figure of speech that says that one thing is another different thing. This allows us to use fewer words and forces the reader or listener to find the similarities, e.g. Time is money, the whole world is a stage.Is an ox is not a metaphor, nor does it contain a metaphor. It is simply part of a sentence containing a verb, an indefinite article and a common noun.

Is my brother was boiling mad a simile or metaphor?

Its a metaphor

Is Frank's heart a open book a metaphor or a simile?

It is a metaphor.

What is walking dictionary a simile or a metaphor?

it is neither, it is personification

What part of speech is work in this sentence Doug prefers a casual work environment?

Although it's functioning adjectivally here, by specifying the type of environment that Doug prefers, "work" is a noun in this case, and "work environment" is a noun-noun compound (these are common in English).