

Best Answer

No, only can be used as:

an adjective, e.g. he's an only child;

an adverb, e.g. if she would only come home; or

a conjuction, e.g. you may go, only be careful

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Q: Is only a pronoun
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Can pronoun substitue preposition?

No, a pronoun substitutes for a noun or another pronoun only.

Can a possessive pronoun be proper?

No, the only 'proper' pronoun is the personal pronoun'I'. At least it's the only pronoun that's always capitalized.

Does a pronoun have to be capitalised?

The only pronoun that is always capitalized is the personal pronoun 'I'.All other pronouns are capitalized only when they are the first word in a sentence.

What are the personal pronoun and the possessive pronoun in Does she have the stamina to climb to the top of the cathedral tower?

There is only one pronoun in the sentence: she. It is a personal pronoun.

Is we an adverb?

No, we is a pronoun, the first person plural personal pronoun. There is a possessive adjective, our, and a possessive pronoun, ours. Our is the only modifier.

Is I the past tense of me?

No, "I" and "me" are both pronouns but they are not interchangeable. "I" is a subject pronoun used when referring to oneself as the subject of a sentence, while "me" is an object pronoun used as the object of a verb or preposition.

What is the subject pronoun in this sentence The woodcutter saw a neighbor working in the garde The woodcutter approached him?

There is no subject pronoun in that pair of sentences. The only pronoun is the object pronoun 'him'.

What does subject form pronoun mean?

A subject form pronoun is a pronoun that functions as the subject of a sentence, indicating who or what is performing the action of the verb. Examples of subject form pronouns in English include "I," "he," "she," "we," and "they."

Do Capitalize the pronoun you when emailing a professor?

No, the pronoun 'you' is not capitalized unless it is the first word in a sentence.The only pronoun that is always capitalized is the first person, singular, subjective pronoun 'I'.

What are the personal pronouns in Bartleby the Scrivener listing each one only once?

There are no personal pronouns in your sentence. The only pronoun, 'one' is an indefinite pronoun, a pronoun that replaces a thing unnamed or unknown.

What is the subject pronoun in the sentence The reef has brightly colored fish around it?

The only pronoun in the sentence is it, but is used as the object of the preposition around. The pronoun itcan be a subjective or an objective pronoun.

What is the plural pronoun in this sentence Teresa asked her to cover the soccer game?

Her is the only pronoun in that sentence, and it is not plural. The personal pronoun her is singular, one person.