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The word results is both a noun (result, results) and a verb (result, results, resulting, resulted).

You will be contacted with the results of your tests. (noun)
Lying always results in more lies to cover up the original lie. (verb)

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Q: Is results a noun or a verb?
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Is results a noun?

Yes, the word result is a noun (result, results) and a verb (result, results, resulting, resulted).Examples:The result of the election was that Joe won. (noun)An increase in demand will result in an increase in price. (verb)

Is results a noun or pronoun?

The word 'results' is a noun (result, results) and a verb (result, results, resulting, resulted).Examples:I've written a report on the results of my experiments. (noun)Telling a lie results in having to tell more lies. (verb)

Is disappointing a noun?

The word 'disappointing' is the present participle, present tense of the verb to disappoint. The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective, and a gerund(noun form).Examples:I would describe the movie as disappointing. (noun, object of the preposition 'as')We were notified of the disappointing results of the test. (adjective, describes the noun 'results')I am disappointing my parents. (verb)

can subject be a noun?

Yes, the word 'subject' is a noun (subject), a verb (sub ject), and an adjective.Examples:What is the subject of your essay? (noun)It's difficult to subject my pet to the treatments. (verb)The results are subject to interpretation. (adjective)

Is amazing an abstract noun?

Amazing is a verb form and an adjective, for which the abstract noun is amazement.Amazing as a gerund (to amaze) is an activity that results in a subjective condition of the viewers (e.g. The magician excelled at amazing the crowds).

Is 'is' a verb or noun?

The noun 'is' is a verb, a form of the verb 'to be'. The verb 'is' functions as an auxiliary verb and a linking verb.

Is circle an adjective?

No, it is a verb or a noun (to go around, to surround; a round shape). The adjective form is circular.

Is winner a verb or noun?


Is roar a noun or verb?

A roar is a noun. To roar is a verb.

What part of speech is trains?

Training is a noun and a verb. Noun: e.g. activity of acquiring skills. Verb: present participle of the verb 'train'.

Has is a noun?

Has is a verb; it is not a noun. It is the third person singular of the verb to have. It functions as a helping verb as well, but it is not a noun.

Example of agent noun?

An agent noun is a word that identifies a person who performs an action or who is associated with a particular activity or object. Examples include "teacher" (one who teaches), "baker" (one who bakes), and "driver" (one who drives).