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Q: Is the plural form of thrush thrushes or thrush?
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What is singular possessive form of thrush?

The possessive form of the plural noun thrushes is thrushes'.example: We saw many thrushes' tracks in the snow where the wind had scattered seeds.All English plural nouns ending in s form the possessive by adding an apostrophe after the ending s.

What is the collective noun for thrush?

It is a mutation of thrushes.

What eats thrush?

Sparrow hawks eat Thrushes.

What is a bluebird related?

Bluebirds are most closely related to thrushes such as the American Robin, the hermit thrush, wood thrush, etc.

What does a thrush bird look like?

The robin is the most common thrush. They are found everywhere. Other thrushes look similar to robins in size and shape, but have different coloration and marking. The common blackbird is an all black thrush. Wood thrushes are brown and white speckled.

Why are song thrushes endangered?

The song thrush is not an endangered species. Listed as least concern.

Why can Bard understand the thrush?

Because this thrush is old and it can understand the common tongue, and the men of Lake-town and Dale can understand the language of the thrushes.

How are lettuce snails and thrushes interdependent?

The snail relies on the thrush to keep the population of the snail down, and the thrush relies on the snail as a source of food.

Is a thrush a predator or a prey?

Prey, yes thrushes may eat earthworms & bugs but other large animals eat the thrushes so they are considered prey.

Is a thrush a carnivore?

Yes !A thrush is a carnivore as it eats other animals/insects .A trush eats snails .Thrushes are eaten by a Sparrowhawk(the top predator) !

How long for a thrush birds eggs to hach?

A thrush lays one egg at a time! Yes, one!

What are the superstitions about the song thrush?

Here are a couple of the more obscure ones: - It is believed the thrush exchanges its legs for new ones when it reaches 10 years old. - It is believed thrushes are born deaf.