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That sentence is grammatically correct.

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Q: Is the sentence 'Your grandmother was a very special person' correct grammar?
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Your grandmother was a very special person. Is this correct grammar?

Yes, that sentence is correct grammar.

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"To my special grandchildren on your christening day."

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Sentence example: My Grandmother was diagnosed with Cancer, therefore started taking special therapy to kill the cancer cells.

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Is this a correct sentence? To prove it once agin and to bliss you we now have a special offer

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No, it's not correct. It's not clear what Professor Chang ordered, but the sentence should read "Did the special _______ that Professor Chang ordered arrive safely?"

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Your first cousin's grandmother may be your grandmother as well. If not, she is not related to you and there is no special term for "your cousin's grandmother who is not related to you."

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The linking verb is smells (lotion -> almonds).

Which is grammatically correct what is your expertise or what are your expertise?

"What is your expertise?" is correct. "Expertise" means the complete collection of a person's special skills and as such agrees with singular verbs. A sentence with the same meaning but a plural verb would be "What are your expert skills?"

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You are my special grandmother

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I may not have a date this valentine's day but i received beautiful flowers and chocolate, now my valentines is even more special.

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I will go with "a special"

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Some of the desserts was left by the end of the birthday party