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Yes, it is a verb in the gerund (any verb ending in -ing) form. It could also be a present participle depending on the sentence.

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Q: Is the word reading a verb?
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Is the word reading a noun?

Yes, the word reading is a gerund, the present participle of the verb to read that functions as a noun. The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.Examples:I had to get glasses for reading. (noun, object of the preposition 'for')We were reading about ancient Rome. (verb)You need a good reading light for your desk. (adjective)

Is eagerly reading a complete verb?

The word "eagerly" is a adverb.

What kind of word is taking?

a verb :) thank you for reading this <3

What is the Hawaiian translation fo reading?

The verb "reading" translates as heluhelu. The word for a story is mo'olelo.

Is the word reading a gerund?

Yes, "reading" can be a gerund. A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun. In the sentence "Reading is enjoyable," "reading" is acting as the subject and functioning as a noun.

What is the verb in the sentence you will finish reading this book?

The verb here is reading the book. Since reading is the verb and it is action so it is a verb.

Is reading a verb or adjective?

Reading can be a verb a noun or adjective. verb -- I am reading a good book. noun -- I like reading. adjective -- Have you seen my reading glasses?

Is the word Reading verb?

Yes, it is a verb in the gerund (any verb ending in -ing) form. It could also be a present participle depending on the sentence.

Will verb or pronoun?

The word 'will' is a verb and a noun.The verb 'will' functions as a main verb or an auxiliary verb.Examples:You have to will yourself to keep going. (verb)We will leave on Friday. (auxiliary verb)The reading of the will is on Friday. (noun)He has the will to succeed. (noun)

Is the word will a verb or a noun?

The word 'will' is both a verb (will, wills, willing, willed) and a noun (will, wills).Examples:If you won't do it, I will. (verb)The doctor will see you now. (auxiliary verb)The family is coming for the reading of his will. (concrete noun)She has the will to succeed. (abstract noun)

In the sentence rekha is reading a book what is the subject and what is the predicate?

Rekha is the subject.The verb is - is reading. The predicate is the verb plus everything after the verb = is reading a book

Is reading a homograph?

Yes, "reading" is a homograph because it is a word that is spelled the same but has different meanings and pronunciations. For example, "reading" can refer to the act of interpreting written text or a town in England.