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Yes, the word 'vegetables' is a noun, the plural form of the noun 'vegetable', a word for the edible part of a plant, a word for a thing.

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12y ago

Yes, it is a noun.

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Q: Is vegetables a noun
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Is vegatables a noun?

Yes, vegetables is a noun, a plural, common, concrete noun; vegetables are things.

Is vegetables a verb?

No, vegetables is a noun

What is a specific noun for vegetables?

The noun vegetables is a general noun. Some specific nouns for vegetables are:asparagusbeans (green, wax, pinto, navy, kidney, etc.)broccolicabbagecarrotsdilleggplantfennelgarlicgourdshorseradishokraonionspeaspepperspumpkinrosemaryspinachsquashturnips

Could Vegetables be a noun?

It IS a noun. Or nouns.

Is the word vegetables a noun?

Yes. It's a plural noun to describe a group of objects, which are collectively called vegetables. Same as "vegetable" is a noun.

Is vegetable a collective noun?

No, the noun 'vegetable' is not a collective noun.A collective noun is a word used to group people or things taken together as one whole in a descriptive way; for example, a basket of vegetables, a bushel of vegetables, a sack of vegetables, etc.

Is vegetables countable or uncountable?

The noun 'vegetables' is a count noun, the plural form of the noun vegetable.An uncountable noun is a word for things or ideas that can't be divided into separate elements, something that can't be counted, such as oxygen, education, advice, etc.

What are collective nouns for foods?

There is no standard collective noun for the noun 'vegetables'. There are a number of collective nouns for specific vegetables; for example:a bunch of carrotsa bushel of peppersa hill of beansa pod of peasa sack of potatoesa sheaf of corn

Is produce a noun?

It can be, when it means fresh fruits and vegetables. The verb produce has the noun form "production."

What is the possessive noun of uncle?

The possessive form of the noun uncle is uncle's.example: These vegetables came from my uncle's garden.

What is the plural form of vegetable?

The noun 'vegetable' is a singular noun.The plural form is 'vegetables'.

Is a kebab a noun or a verb?

The word kebab is a noun, a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a skewer of meat or fish and vegetables, a thing.