

Is c a vowel

Updated: 8/31/2023
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14y ago

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W is a vowel sometimes, as is Y. There are words in Welsh that use only a W.

An example would be the word tow. Without the W the O would not be long. This illustrates that the W is forming a diphthong, which mirrors the use of the letter U from which it developed. After a vowel, W is considered as a vowel, with an "au, oo, or oh" sound. Before a vowel it is considered a consonant, with its "wh" sound.

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6y ago

The general consensus/usual understanding is that a e i o and u are vowels and every other letter is a consonant.

Well, I'd say that even if it is technically a consonant, I consider it a vowel, because it follows all the vowel rules. You do not touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth when saying it, and the only word it has just it as a consonant is 'are', making me believe it is a vowel.

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14y ago

No, the vowels are A E I O U, sometimes Y, and very occasionally W (most often in rarely used words deriving from Welsh, such as "cwm").The letter "C" is a consonant.

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// short version char c = 'a'; System.out.println((c=='a'c=='e'c=='i'c=='o'c=='u')?"VOWEL":"CONSONANT"); // easy to read version char c = 'a'; switch (c) { case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': System.out.println("VOWEL"); break; default: System.out.println("CONSONANT"); }

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#includemain(){char ch;clrscr();pritnf("\nEnter any character:");fflush(stdin);scanf("%c",&ch);if (ch 'U' ch = 'u'){printf("\n The entered character %c is Vowel.\n", ch);}else{printf("\nThe entered character %c is not Vowel.\n",ch);}}

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