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No, it's the past tense of the verb write.

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Q: Is wrote an adjective
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The talented Shakespeare wrote many types of plays. Where is the adjective?

Talented is the adjective.

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How do you make a sentence using the word love as adjective?

To be an adjective, a word must modify (describe) a noun. "He wrote her a love poem." (Poem is a noun, and here, love describes what kind of poem he wrote.)

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What do you call a word that usually modifies a verb but can sometimes modify an adjective?

An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Examples:modifying the verb: We really like that restaurant.modifying the adjective: Juanita is a really smartgirl.modifying the adverb: That was really very nice of you.modifying a verb: John carefully worded the answer to the question.modifying an adjective: John wrote a carefully worded answer to the question.modifying an adverb: John wrote a very carefully worded answer to the question.

Is the clause Who wrote Gothic and macabre short stories an adverb clause?

No. It is an adjective clause, as it begins with a relative pronoun (who).

What is the difference between interrogative pronoun and interrogative adjective?

Interrogative pronoun comes before a verb while interrogative adjective comes before a noun. Eg WHO wrote the novel rockbound? (Interrogative pronoun) WHAT book are you reading? (Interrogative adjective)

How do you make a sentence word love in adjective?

one sentence that pops into my head is. Her drawer is full of love letters that he wrote her.

How do you spell that word i just wrote?

In the phrase "that word I just wrote" the word "just" is an adverb (just now, immediately beforehand). In other usage, it is an adjective meaning fair and equitable, with the adverb form justly.

What is the proper adjective of Troy?

Troy is the name of a place. Trojan refers to a person or thing from Troy. Homer wrote about the Trojan War.