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Q: Locate one restricted meaning for the word configuration?
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The term "ghetto" originates from the Venetian Ghetto in Italy, which was a segregated area where Jews were required to live. The word itself is derived from the Italian "ghèto," meaning "foundry," as the area was formerly the site of a foundry. Over time, the term came to be associated with impoverished and segregated urban areas.

What is the prefix of abasement?

There is no prefix. It consists of the stem "abase", which can stand alone as a verb "to abase", and the suffix -ment. (Do not confuse this word meaning humiliation with the word 'basement' meaning the cellar, the room under the house in its restricted sense.

What is kinesthesia?

is another word for propioception meaning position sense. being able to locate parts on your body with your eyes closed

What is the meaning of the word satae?

it is the spine on a caterpillar. for a caterpillar, it is almost like a formidable defence combined with a sensor to locate where things are.

What is another word for restricted?

uuuhhhmmm,,,, really hard Limited access, secure location,or off limits area, if you are talking about using the word restricted as an adjective, like in the phrase "restricted area." But if you are using the word restricted as a verb, then you could use the word limited, restrained, or hindered to replace it.

What is the Latin word for 'locate'?

locare, from locus, to locate

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What is a good sentence for the word locate?

Here is an example sentence for the word 'locate':With the assistance of the GPS, the driver could quickly locate his destination.

What other words have same meaning as find?

Some synonyms of the word find include: * locate * pinpoint * ascertain * discover * determine * spot

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How can you use the word locate in a sentence?

Please help me locate my glasses.