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merits of defination of economic given by adam smith

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Q: Merits of Adam Smith definition
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Merits and demerits of economics by Adam smith?

adam smith definition merits and demerits

What is Adam smith economics definition?

wealth of nations

What is the definition of Adam smith about economics?

economics is the study of wealth

Merits and demerits of Adam smith's health of nations?

Merits: Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" laid the foundation for modern economics by introducing concepts such as the invisible hand, division of labor, and free markets. It emphasized the importance of self-interest in driving economic growth and productivity. Demerits: Critics argue that Smith's focus on self-interest and free markets can lead to income inequality, exploitation of workers, and environmental degradation. Additionally, some suggest that his ideas may not be applicable to all economic systems or societies.

Definition of economics by Adam smith?

"An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations."

Definition of microeconomics in words of Adam smith and explain it?

This is the science of wealth according to Adam Smith. Microeconomics concentrates on small businesses instead of the whole country together.

Who is referred to as the father of economics?

John Maynard Keynes

What is the definition of the word merits?

The definition of "merits" is something's or someone's intrinsic values that are deemed worthy and good. For example, rewards and promotions are often based on a person's merits.

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Lilian Adam Smith has written: 'George Adam Smith'

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Economics is a science of wealth which enquires into the nature and causes of wealth of nations who gave this definition of economics?

Adam smith