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Q: One significant difference between Old English and Middle English is that Middle English incorporates influences from?
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One significant difference between Old English and Middle English is that Middle English incorporates influences from what?

Middle English incorporates influences from French.

One significant difference between Old English and Middle English is that Middle English incorporates influences from .?


Middle English incorporates influences from what language?

Middle English incorporates influences from several languages, including Old Norse (from the Vikings), Norman French (from the Normans), and Latin. These languages contributed vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciations to Middle English, helping to shape and change the language over time.

What is the difference between Middle English and Olde English?

old English comes mainly from the angles of Germany but middle English has french influences from the Norman conquest

Influence of English language in modern society?

as English influences on society

Who had the biggest impact on William Shakespeare?

Hard to say. His writing style was influenced by all of the influences in English drama up to that point, the most recent significant ones being Kyd and Marlowe.

What was the movement of English Puritans?

English Puritans were members of a religious reform movement that sought to "purify" the Church of England from perceived Roman Catholic influences. They believed in simplifying religious practices and adhering closely to the teachings of the Bible. English Puritans played a significant role in English history, especially during the 17th century.

Who were the two greatest influences on English Language?

Two of the greatest influences on the English language were Latin, through the Roman occupation of Britain, and Old Norse, brought by the Viking invasions. These languages contributed vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation features that shaped English into what it is today.

Words that mean between or among?

In the middle of them both, or interAmong or amongst. Among is usually plural but is acceptable as singular in English. Amongst has no significant difference.

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The sources of Philippine literature include indigenous oral traditions, Spanish colonial influences, American colonial influences, and contemporary Filipino writers. Traditional forms like epics, folk tales, and myths are significant sources, as well as literary works in Spanish, English, and Filipino languages written throughout Philippine history. These diverse influences have shaped the rich and varied literary landscape of the Philippines.

What influences did Romans have on English life?

it depends on the language that is spoken in the culture

Is English grammar more difficult to learn than Russian grammar?

There is probably not much difference. Other differences in the languages (such as the alphabets) are likely to be more significant.