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The antonym of 'profuse' is not on that list, and we don't use the expression 'opt out' to mean 'select' or 'choose' or 'identify.' 'Opt out' means to exercise your option to withdraw or decline.

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Q: Opt out the antonym of profuse from the following terms of the multiple choice questions-litigious-litigant-contentious-parismonious-appellate-judicial?
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Pick the antonym of insubordinate from the following multiple choice questions-lavish-prodigal-mutinous-profuse-bountiful-liberal?

An antonym (opposite) of 'insubordinate' is not on that list. "Mutinous' is sort of a synonym.

What is an antonym for profuse?

The antonym for "profuse" is "minimal" or "scant".

What are some synonyms for profuse?

profuse means excessive

Is profuse a verb?

'Profuse' can only be used as an adjective.

What are example sentences using the word profuse?

I am sweating profusely That is a profuse amount of garbage That person ate a profuse amount of food

What is the noun form of the profuse?

The noun forms for the adjective profuse are profuseness and profusion.

What is a sentence with the word profuse?

you ate a profuse amount of food, then you took a nap.

What is a way you can use profuse in a sentence?

He is rich, he Profuse Money. This is one of many examples for sentence use.

What is tha meaning of profuse?

Pouring forth with fullness or exuberance; bountiful; exceedingly liberal; giving without stint; as, a profuse government; profuse hospitality., Superabundant; excessive; prodigal; lavish; as, profuse expenditure., To pour out; to give or spend liberally; to lavish; to squander.

How do you use the word profusion in a sentence?

(profuse: very abundant; spending or giving freely; lavish; extravagantHe was embarrassed by the profuse praise he received.Weeds become profuse where there is no natural ground cover.He was so profuse in his spending that he is now a pauper.

What is a potentially serious consequence of profuse sweating?

A potentially serious consequence of profuse sweating is called dehydration.

What is profuse secretion of sweat?
