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Formal; official; cold

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Q: Other words for impersonal
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What is the root word for the word impersonal?

all words needs to be in the impersonal 3rd person viewpoint. What are some impersonal 3rd viewpoint words?

What is the definition of stern and impersonal?

Stern means strict and firm and impersonal means distant and standoffishness. Someone who is stern and impersonal strictly enforces rules or boundaries without showing concern for other people's feelings.

What is the prefix for personal?

"im", as in impersonal.

What is the example of impersonal pronoun?

Impersonal pronouns are used as the subject of impersonal verbs viz., It rains.

Some words that start with the prefix im?

impassible, impossible, immobile, improper, immodest, impersonal...

What is difference between personal and impersonal style of writing?

Personal is when you write using words like, I, me, we, our.

Opposite of personal?

The oppsite word for personal is impersonal.

What is the content for an impersonal communication?

what is the effectivness of some impersonal comunication?

What is a sentence for the word impersonal?

stop being too impersonal

What is impersonal?

From the WA dictionary:adj.Lacking personality; not being a person: an impersonal force.Showing no emotion or personality: an aloof, impersonal manner.Having no personal reference or connection: an impersonal remark.Not responsive to or expressive of human personalities: a large, impersonal corporation.In a sentecne:"The man on the phone had a very impersonal attitude in his voice."

How do you use impersonate in a sentence?

Impersonal is a word that means you are not influenced by other things. A good sentence would be, the boy was impersonal unlike all the other boys in his class.

Is because a clause?

No. It is a word, an adverb or conjunction. A clause is a group of words containing a finite verb and (unless it is an impersonal verb) a subject.