That's a good question. As you may or may not know, there is some disagreement and controversy over the proper plural of the noun genius. In most cases, one can acceptably use geniuses as the plural. In fact, when referring to the "quality" of genius (as opposed to an individual possessing certain qualities or a certain nature), geniuses is the plural that one should normally use. However, when referring to an individual as a genius, the most correct plural is genii (that's three syllables). This is because genius is derived from Latin. It is the first-person masculine singular form of the word. The first-person masculine plural is genii. There is one additional, and rare, case where the plural genii should be used. This is the form of the word that comes from Roman mythology and refers to a guardian spirit of a person or place. If this is all a little too complex to remember and apply, just remember that geniuses will sound correct--even if not brilliant and erudite--in most cases. It's actually quite infrequently that the general populace uses the word genii.
Examples:The genius discovered a cure for cancer. (singular)The team of geniuses discovered a cure for cancer. (plural)
If you are refferring to a group of people, while geniuses is generally accepted, genii (3 syllables: jee nee ay) may also be used (plus it sounds more genius-like to use it that way)
Oh and if you don't believe me, double-click the word "genii" and it should pop up the box with the definition in it
Examples:The genius discovered a cure for cancer. (singular)The team of genii discovered a cure for cancer. (plural)
The plural of genius is geniuses. As in "the geniuses are in the room".
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Skiing, radii, genii (plural radius and plural genius).And of course, Hawaii, Hawaiian, taxiing, safariing, shanghaiing and also Shiite.Wii could be considered a word of the English language, but it is more of a personal name for a gaming system.Also, the abbreviation Ascii is sometimes treated and pronounced as a word.Another word is inferii (The plural for inferius).
Genius is a noun.
Prodigy is a synonym for genius. 2) Prodigy means a young genius, it is not a synonym. Highly gifted would be your best choice.
The plural of genius is geniuses. As in "the geniuses are in the room".
The noun genius is the singular form, the plural form is geniuses.
The noun genius is the singular form, the plural form is geniuses.
The foreign plural of "genius" is "genii" or "geniuses," depending on the context. "Genii" is the Latin plural form, while "geniuses" is the commonly used English plural form for the word "genius."
Genii < plural of genii Brilliant A Savant. This is an extreme genius with one area of expertise, ability, or brilliance that are in contrast with the individual's overall limitations.
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The correct spelling of the term is genius (very smart person).
The correct pronunciation of "genii" is "jee-nee-eye."
Skiing, radii, genii (plural radius and plural genius).And of course, Hawaii, Hawaiian, taxiing, safariing, shanghaiing and also Shiite.Wii could be considered a word of the English language, but it is more of a personal name for a gaming system.Also, the abbreviation Ascii is sometimes treated and pronounced as a word.Another word is inferii (The plural for inferius).
genius, genius, brillance, genius, genius..........
"I am genius".
Yes, he was a genius