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Q: Potent is to powerful as timid is to what?
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Powerful is to timid as potent is to what?


What is a potent kick?

Potent means powerful.

Does it make sense to say potent danger?

Yes, "potent danger" makes sense. Potent means "possessing inner or physical strength" or "powerful." Potent danger, therefore, means a powerful or strong danger.

What word means powerful or strong?


What are some other words for powerful?

mighty, potent, right,

Write a sentence with the word potent?

"The skunk sprayed my dog, leaving her with a potent, foul odor." "Whiskey at about 90 poof (40% alcohol) is quite a potent liquor." potent=strong, powerful, etc.

What is the meaning of potent pain suppressant?

Concentrated, powerful, highly effective.

What word starting with omni means having power?

Omnipotent. It means being infinitely powerful. The prefix "omni" means everything and "potent" comes from a word meaning power. In English, "potent" means powerful.

What Adjectives mean mighty?

Synonyms for mighty include strong, potent, or powerful.

What is a 6 letter word for powerhouse?

The words strong, mighty, potent, and robust are similar in meaning to the word powerful.

Do vultures crap?

Yes. And due to the potent and powerful acid in their stomach, their crap is quite clean.

What does Omni-potent mean?

Omni means all-encompassing. Potent means powerful.So omnipotent means·nip·o·tent/ämˈnipətənt/Adjective(of a deity) Having unlimited power; able to do anything.NounGod.Synonymsalmighty - all-powerful