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To condescend means to act superior to others. An example sentence would be: Don't condescend to others as we are all flawed and imperfect.

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Example sentence - His condescending remarks to her were contributing factors in his demotion with the company.

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Q: Sentence for condescend
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How do you use condescend in a sentence?

AnswerLucy condescended to her friend who wanted to play a prank, even though it was against her dignity.AnswerElla has cerebral palsy, which is completely different from being retarded, so it really makes me angry to see her condescended to as if she were a 3 year-old child.Elderly people are often condescended to, as people immediately assume that they are too old and senile to know what's going on.When he was doing undercover work for the Narcotics Department, he condescended to doing many despicable things in order to keep his cover and fit in with the other criminals.

Is there an example sentence using condescending?

The arrogant, rich man usually treated his servants with a condescending attitude. *"Don't condescend to me," she said, her eyes narrowing, "my father was a multimillionaire VC winner and yours was an alcoholic army cook."

What is a synonym for deign?

Deign: to condescend reluctantly and with a strong sense of the affront to one's superiority that is involved : stoop

Can you make a sentence using the word patronise?

There are several ways to use this word. One word form, "patronize", means to "shop" or "trade with". So you could say: She patronized at the mall until she found what she was loooking for. Or you could put it into the word form that you are asking for, "patronise", which means "to talk in a condescending manner" or "to condescend". So you sould say: Even though the students were in tenth grade, several of the teachers still patronised.

What is a sentence with symmetry in it?

It in symmetry with sentence a is what? What is a sentence with symmetry in it? This sentence with symmetry is symmetry with sentence this.

Related questions

How is word condescend used in a sentence?

Here are a couple.Will you condescend to join us?If he will condescend to participate, he might learn something.

Will you put condescended in a sentence for me?

condescend (v) = patronize/look down to: Take care not to condescend to your reader. condescend (v) = stoop/lower ones self: The minor official condescended to see us.

How would you use condescend in a sentence?

He would not condescend to misrepresent the facts. condescend means: 1. to behave as if one is conscious of descending from a superior position, rank, or dignity. 2. to stoop or deign to do something

What is a sentence with condescend in it?

Only after I'd introduced myself and answered several very pointed questions would the withered shaman condescend to taking my outstretched hand in his. I wasn't certain that he would condescend to a handshake.

Can you Make a sentence using word 'condescend'?

i dont think so..but i know u cant use it at the beginning of a sentence...

What is the meaning of condescended?

of Condescend

What is the meaning of vouchsafe?

To condescend to grant; to concede; to bestow., To receive or accept in condescension., To condescend; to deign; to yield; to descend or stoop.

How do you draw a picture of the word condescend?

You can draw a picture of the world condescend in any way that you'd like to. This is completely up to you and your perception of the word.

What is the word for treating like a child?


What is another word for condescend?

deign or stoop

What is the suffix and prefix of the word condescending?

The prefix of the word "condescending" is "con-" and the suffix is "-ing."

What are some synonyms for the word condescend?

There are many synonyms for the word condescend. Some examples include stoop, degrade oneself, lower oneself, talk down to, belittle, humiliate and devalue.