It depends on what the word is. If this word is a person's name or a company name or a city name then it should begin with a capital letter.In the dictionary Ambien is the name of a pharmaceutical drug in this case it should have a capital letter
It should be capitalized when it forms part of a title or is at the beginning of a sentence.
No. Under normal circumstances, the word paediatrician does not require a capital. Fields of study or specialisation are not capitalised. However, it is correct to begin tye word with a capital when it is used in lists or directories, or when addressing a formal letter to a paediatrician.
Yes, you have to capitalize the word Dijon because if you don't use the Capital D, it will be underlined wrong.
You should capital the word i because, um... uh... sry idk -,-
Yes, when the word "capital" is used in reference to the capital city or financial assets, it should be capitalized. However, when it is used in a general sense, like "capital punishment," it should not be capitalized.
Yes, the word apostle is a noun since it names a group of people.
The Gaelic word for apostle is "apstal."
The first word of the question should begin with a capital letter.
The word "apostle" appears eighty times, all in the New Testament.
The word "apostle" appears eighty times, all in the New Testament.
The word "apostle" appears eighty times, all in the New Testament.
Not unless it is the first word of a sentence.