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Q: Speech in the Virginia Convention
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Related questions

Who was the Speech in the Virginia Convention addressed to?

The delegates of the Virginia Convention

Who did Patrick Henry deliver his speech to?

house of burgesses * the delegates of the Virginia convention

Who wrote the speech to the second virginia conference?

Patrick Henry is credited with writing the speech delivered to the Second Virginia Convention in 1775, which included the famous line "Give me liberty, or give me death!"

Why does Henry ask so many rhetorical questions in his speech?

In his "Speech to Virginia Convention " Patrick Henry argues that the colonies have already what

Patrick Henry speech in the Virginia convention complaints against the British?

Patrick Henry's "Speech to the Virginia Convention" was a proposal to raise Virginia's milita in order to one day execute a complete break from Britain and also to raise Virginia's defense.

Does the Speech in the Virginia Convention use allusions to the Bible and Greek mythology?


When did Patrick Henry deliver a speech to the Virginia Convention?

March 23, 1775

The likely audience Patrick Henrys speech is intended for is?

the delegates of the second virginia convention

How would a native American respond to Henry patricks speech in Virginia convention?

A Native American might appreciate Patrick Henry's call for freedom from British oppression, but also be cautious of his rhetoric promoting war and violence as solutions. They may view the conflict as another instance of Europeans fighting over land and power, rather than truly seeking justice or equality for all people. Ultimately, they could sympathize with the desire for independence while also recognizing the complexities and consequences of the situation.

In this sentence from Patrick Henry's Speech to the Virginia Convention what is the meaning of the word reconciled?

Controlled (APEX) :):):):):):):):):)

Who did Patrick Henry say give you liberty or give you death to?

It was part of a speech he gave to the Virginia Convention.

Why does Patrick Henry make use of a biblical quotation in his speech to the Virginia convention?

To appeal to his audience faith