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Q: The actual french word spelling for a word that sounds like 'boojs-wah' help?
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How do you spell bookshop in french?

the spelling is librairie, sounds a little like 'library'

What is the spelling of the word Jesus in French?

Jesus, like in English but sounds like Jeyzu.

How do you spell onomanapia?

The correct spelling is "onomatopoeia" (spelling out natural sounds).

What is the phonetic spelling for quiver?

Quiver sounds like "kwivir" (short i sounds)

What does Annie mean when she says to Kate that Helen won and rsquot know what spelling is untilwhat a word is?

Annie is suggesting that Helen does not truly understand the concept of spelling until she connects it with the actual meaning of words. This means that for Helen, spelling is not just about memorizing letters and sounds, but about understanding the purpose and significance of language.

Spell go like it's French?

The usual translation of "go" into French is aller (sounds like "ah-lay"). On the other hand, if you are asking for the spelling of a hypothetical word that French people would look at and naturally pronounce similarly to how we pronounce the word go (like "aïpade" for iPod), then actually the spelling "go" works just fine. And in fact, that is the spelling they use for the ancient Chinese game of wei-qi, known as go in the West.

What are words with similar spelling but different sounds?

Words with similar spelling but different sounds are called heteronyms. Examples include "tear" (to rip) and "tear" (a drop of water from the eye) or "lead" (to guide) and "lead" (a heavy metal).

What does je ney porqwah mean?

it's french meaning 'i don't know' - the literal translation is 'I don't know what'. the above spelling is phonetic - it sounds like that but it's spelled differently.

How do you spell music?

That is the correct spelling of "music" (harmonic sounds and melodies).

When you spell a word incorrectly but how it sounds?

The term you are searching for is phonetics. It is common in the dictionary for the pronunciation in English. Look at the proper spelling and in the parentheses is the phonetic spelling of the word.

Is mountain a homophone?

No, mountain is not a homophone. A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning or spelling. Mountain does not have a word that sounds exactly the same but has a different meaning or spelling.

Is there a homophone for ceiling?

No, there is no homophone for "ceiling." A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and spelling. There is no word that sounds like "ceiling" but has a different meaning and spelling.