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probably either cosette or fantine

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Q: The main female character in the miserables novels?
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Mystery novels typically have a detective as the main character, while spy novels have a spy as the main character. Both types of stories involve solving crimes or uncovering secrets using skills like deduction, observation, and espionage.

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What is the main female character called?

The roles that characters play in a story are not set by their gender. A female character could conceivably play any function in a story: protagonist, antagonist, foil, love interest, bane, nemesis, etc. The main female character could be called the heroine.

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The main character in Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night is Viola. It is not uncommon for the female lead to be the main character of Shakespeare's comedies. It happens in As You LIke It, All's Well that Ends Well, and Cymbeline as well.

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