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It began as an intellectual movement but then spread to all aspects of society. Consider its huge impact on religion, specifically the Protestant Reformation fueled by the printing press and the printing of Bibles in the vernacular.

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Q: Was the enlightenment only an intellectual concept?
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How did the ideas of the Renaissance Reformation and Scientific Revolution affect the Enlightenment Was the Enlightenment only an intellectual concept?

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What did the enlightenment do?

It was an intellectual movement based on reason.

What kind of movement was The Enlightenment?

Intellectual Movement

Intellectual thinker in the Age of Enlightenment?

John Locke

What was the intellectual movement that stressed reason and science?

The intellectual movement that stressed reason and science was the Enlightenment. It emphasized the importance of rationality, scientific inquiry, and individual freedom as a means to challenge traditional beliefs and institutions. Key figures of this movement include Voltaire, Rousseau, and Kant.

What was the enlightenment concept of nature?

The Enlightenment concept of nature emphasized the idea that the natural world operates according to discernible laws that can be understood through reason and observation. This perspective led to a greater appreciation for the natural world and influenced scientific advancements during the 17th and 18th centuries.

What is the Hindu concept of enightenment?

all we see & feel is a myth. Only God is true. God can only be achieved by enlightenment.

The enlightenment was an intellectual movement influenced by philosophers from which country?


What intellectual developments led to the emergence of the Enlightenment?

Some key intellectual developments that led to the emergence of the Enlightenment include the Scientific Revolution, which stressed empirical observation and reason to understand the natural world, as well as the rise of humanism and individualism that encouraged critical thinking and questioning of traditional authority. The Enlightenment also drew on the ideas of prominent thinkers such as Descartes, Locke, and Newton who promoted rationalism, empiricism, and the belief in human progress through reason and education.

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