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They can all be spell forwards and back. It's call a palindrome.

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Q: Whai is common in the following words race car kayak and level?
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t do the words comic, tourist, eagle, and kayak have in common

What are 3 words that belong in the category palindromes?

madam, kayak, level

What are words that are palindromes?

Some examples of palindromic words are "level," "radar," "deed," "kayak," and "rotor."

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madam, kayak, level, rotor, refer, sexes

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civic, level, radar, kayak, rotor, madam, tenet, stats, shahs, solos

What are some 5 letter palindromes?

Common words: civic kayak level madam minim radar refer rotor sagas solos stats tenet Uncommon words and proper nouns: Alula anona Arara deled Kazak Siris welew Xanax

What are five letter words beginning and ending with same letter?

Some examples of five-letter words that begin and end with the same letter are: radar, level, civic, minim, and kayak.

What are three words that are spelled backwards and frontwards?

i know you said three but I'll give more Hannah level lol racecar kayak refer

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What are words that are spelled the same forwards and backwards called?

Palindromes.Palindromes can be words such as radar, noon, kayak, level, peep; names such as Hannah or Otto, or even entire sentences: "Madam, I'm Adam".

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What are some five letter palindromes?

Palindromes are words that can be spelled the same backwards and forwards. Some examples of five letter palindromes are level, radar, civic, and kayak.