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making predictions

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Q: What active reading strategy involves the reader's best guess about what will happen next in the text?
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What does the active reading strategy know as making prediction involve?

Making predictions in active reading involves using clues from the text to anticipate what will happen next or what the author's main point might be. This strategy helps engage readers and encourages them to think critically about the material. By actively predicting, readers can set goals for their reading and stay focused on key ideas.

What active reading strategy helps a reader find ways to relate to the story?

One active reading strategy that helps a reader find ways to relate to the story is making connections. This involves linking aspects of the text to one's own experiences, other texts, or the world. By actively seeking out these connections, readers can better understand and engage with the material.

In order to be an active reader you need?

Active readers require focus, time, and interest. Active readers are not active readers unless they are interested, focused and have set aside time for reading.

What active reading strategy helps the reader to guess what will happen in the book?


What is defference between active and passive reading?

Active readers are those who read a lot, and go through large amounts of reading material for enjoyment or purpose (books, newspapers, magazines, etc.) Passive readers do not read that much, and only seek out selective reading material.

Why is critical reading is considered as active process og discovery?

Critical reading is considered an active process of discovery because it involves engaging with the text by questioning, analyzing, and evaluating the content. Through critical reading, readers actively seek to uncover the author's arguments, assumptions, and biases, leading to new insights and understandings that may not be apparent on the surface. This process allows readers to think deeply about the text and form their own opinions based on evidence and reasoning.

What active reading strategy helps a reader determine what was good or bad in the book?


What technique is associated with careful reading and carrying out a dialog with the text?

Close reading involves careful analysis of a text, paying attention to details, themes, and nuances to fully understand and appreciate its meaning. By engaging in a dialogue with the text, readers can delve deeper into the author's intentions, style, and underlying messages.

Which active reading strategy requires you to come to a conclusion based on what you have already read and already know?

Drawing inferences

This is what active readers do constantly thinking about the meaning of what they are reading.?

Active readers engage with the text by questioning, reflecting, and interpreting the meaning of what they are reading. They often make connections to their own experiences or prior knowledge to deepen their understanding. This continuous process of thinking helps them to critically analyze and engage with the material at a deeper level.

Which active reading strategy is most appropriate to do after you read a text?

Summarizing the main points of the text, annotating important details, or asking questions to deepen understanding are effective active reading strategies to use after reading a text. These strategies can help reinforce comprehension and retention of the material.

What type of active reading strategy are you using when you come up with pictures in your head that help describe the text?

making mental images