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The regular way is the normal, usual way.

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Q: What are Regular way of doing things?
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An accepted way of doing things is the custom, or the tradition.

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my home, my way of doing things

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Why a way of a thinks?

Physics is a way of thinking, a way of doing things and a way of learning about the world around us.

Is the beliefs and opinions people share about government and their relation to it.?

they believe that the government isnt doing things the way they should be doing things.

What did Jesus mean by the Kingdom of Heaven?

God's way of doing things

Why physics is a way of thinking?

Physics is a way of thinking, a way of doing things and a way of learning about the world around us.

What does reject the status qua mean?

I think you mean "status quo"-- which means the same old way of doing things, or refers to keeping things the same, conforming or going along with the way everyone has always done something. To reject the status quo means to be unwilling to keep doing things the same old way, and to advocate for new ways of doing things.

What is a phrase used to describe an idea or way off doing things that is common in a certain culture?

A phrase used to describe an idea or way of doing things that is common in a certain culture is called a "cultural trait."

Distinguish between efficiency and effectiveness?

Effectiveness is about doing what your suppose to do, the right way. While efficiency is doing things in a way that is favorable concerning a certain restriction, such as the least expensive way.