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These mountains are formed out of the existing mountain i.e., Fold, Block or Volcanic mountains. High mountains are weared away by the agents of denudation i.e. wind, water, glacier, waves etc. The remaining part of these mountains is known as residual mountais.

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Q: What are residual mountains?
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How are residual mountains form?

Residual mountains are formed by the plates in the earth moving

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residual mountains in africa

How are the residual mountains formed?

It is formed by the process of denudation

How are residual mountains formed please give long essay?

They formed!

How can mountains valleys and plains be classified?

Mountains are generally classified into the following, 1. Volcanic Mountains. 2. Tectonic Mountains. 3. Residual Mountains.

What are the names of residual mountains?

I've got one resudial mountain I think it is Mt. Everest-29028ft high

How is a depositonal mountain different from an erosional mountain?

Depositonal Mountains are formed by accumulation of rocks on the earth's surface, these materials may be volcanic or carried by wind or glaciers. Esrosional Mountains(or Residual Mountains) are mountains that were carved out by extensive erosion, usually from a plateau.

Different types of fold mountains?

1. Block mountains. 2. Fold mountains. 3. Residual (erosional) mountains. 4. Tectonic mountains. 5. Volcanic mountains.fault, folded and volcanic are three of them

What is meant by Residual Hills?

When the process of erosion takes place gigantic wave of water flows on the mountains and other highland areas this causes boulders, sediments and other solid materials are washed away and when these rocks re-situated in a large size on other parts of land then called residual hills. We can also say that they hard rocks left behind after erosion are then called residual hills.

What is a residual lake?

Lakes which are made by residual rocks which are left after weathering and erosion and form the residual lakes.

What is the definition of residual hills?

Residual hills are landforms that remain after erosion has worn away surrounding material, leaving isolated hills or ridges behind. These hills often have a more resistant rock composition that withstands erosion better than the surrounding material. Residual hills can be found in various landscapes around the world.

What is a residual haunting?

A residual haunting is a playback of a past event.